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The US Supreme Court Creates Chaos for North Carolina’s Rural Economy

May 20, 2023

The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision in National Pork Producers v. Ross, upheld a California law that will have profound implications for North Carolina farmers. Ignoring the real experts – the farmers – activists led a referendum effort to impose restrictions on animal treatment that rejects centuries of tradition. The law requires that pork sold…

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More Inconvenient Truths: Title VI Suits

May 6, 2023

Unfortunately, our prediction that last December’s Poultry hit piece by McClatchy’s Charlotte and Raleigh papers wasn’t the end, but just the beginning was true. Last Friday, an obscure law school in Vermont, which is training environmental justice lawyers, along with the NC Riverkeepers, Friends of the Earth, and two environmental justice advocates from Robeson County,…

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The big-city papers fooled a jury about poultry

April 6, 2023

The big-city papers were celebrating themselves this week because they got a prize for their efforts to malign North Carolina’s poultry producers. This wasn’t a prize that you’ve heard of, like the Medal of Honor or the Stanley Cup.No, they got the 2023 McElheny Award, which is associated with the journalism program at the elite Massachusetts…

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Big city newspapers mount assault on North Carolina’s poultry industry

December 10, 2022

The Charlotte Observer and Raleigh News and Observer last week launched a full-frontal assault on North Carolina’s booming poultry industry. The coordinated reporting from the papers charged that the industry is “cloaked in secrecy,” even as the Charlotte and Raleigh newspapers themselves decline to share much detail about the special interests that funded the hit pieces. North Carolina now leads…

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How Ag Shaped NC’s “Red Wave”

November 11, 2022

North Carolina experienced a “Red Wave” in Tuesday’s election – BUT not strong enough to completely swamp the “Blue Shore” in the NC House. The NC House and Senate results will shift the balance of power further toward the GOP in next year’s long session. The House fell short of another Republican supermajority by a close loss in…

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Our Pro-Ag Supreme Court Playbook

October 7, 2022

North Carolina has become ripe with single-issue non-profit groups that national and international donors and organizations fund. They focus on their “pet” fundraising issues and often rise in popularity by bashing today’s agriculture sectors – even though 99% of farms in our state are family farms. They are continuously lurking around, hunting for dollars to…

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