Taber’s Terrible Takes

Before deciding to run for office, Dr. Sarah Taber worked overtime to develop a following as a social media influencer. She focused on producing podcasts focusing on slandering farmers with titles like “How Jim Crow paid for the Midwestern Family Farm” and “Backed up like an Alabama s*** train.” Before announcing her candidacy, Taber purged her social media and deleted a substantial number of tweets.

However, the NC Ag Partnership has recovered some of Taber’s Terrible Takes through the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine.

January 2019, Taber tweeted:

In October 2020, Taber tweeted:

On October 13, 2021, Taber tweeted:

December 18, 2022, Taber tweeted:


In 2019, Taber tweeted:

In 2018 Taber tweeted:

In 2022, Taber tweeted:

Taber needed to make wild claims to generate attention and income online since her consulting business was not generating enough to live on.

On July 10, 2021, Taber tweeted:

And from the sounds of it her clients were not too pleased with her work.

Taber tweeted:

After reading these tweets, it is clear that Taber is neither a friend of family farmers nor a widely successful business consultant.

Taber also gave an interesting interview with Keri Merrit on her show “Merrittocracy.”

The segment is packed full of interesting statements, though we noticed immediately that Taber brandishes a shirt that displays “Handcrafted Artisanal Bullshit” right up front. The meaning? Solid Threads (t-shirt company) provides the description:
“It’s basically a parody of the trend towards everything being “artisanal.” Think little gift shops where everything costs 5X what it should because it’s “hand crafted” or packaged to look precious.

“Once you try Schatt Brothers Artisanal Bullsh*t, you’ll never go back to regular bullsh*t. Why? Because our bullsh*t is organic, locally sourced bullsh*t, handcrafted in small batches by skilled bullsh*t artists. Just like they did in the old days. Our exclusive “stable to table” process ensures that every batch of our bullsh*t is as unique as the bull who shat it. And all of our bullsh*t is transported via covered wagon to ensure that “Old World” bullsh*tiness. Sure, our bullsh*t costs a little more. But if you’ll pay $12 for a bar of chocolate or a piece of toast, why not pay that for a batch of bullsh*t?

Schatt Brothers: Nothing but pure bullsh*t.”

This is quite a position to support for a candidate whose platform includes supporting more small businesses and farmers who, God forbid, may try to sell their own goods. For shame.

All of this is only a sampling…