From the Campaign Trail

Supporting our law enforcement: At a routine traffic stop this week, Charlotte Mecklenburg police officers came under fire from a suspect. The officers returned fire to neutralize the subject and fortunately survived their injuries from the assailant. But already this year, Charlotte and all of North Carolina mourned the four police officers who lost their lives in the line of duty in the line of duty.
But one candidate for Labor Commissioner has a long history of opposing law enforcement – Braxton Winston.
While on Charlotte City Council, Winston led the charge to defund the police. He sponsored and voted for measures to defund ammunition for Charlotte Mecklenburg police officers. 
The Commissioner of Labor is charged with using common sense to keep North Carolina workers safe. Winston’s record reveals incredibly radical positions that might work for big city Charlotte liberals, but not for hard working rural North Carolinians. 

Key legal issues for farmers
Earlier this year, the United States Supreme Court surprisingly upheld California’s radical Proposition 12 ruling. This state referendum in California mandates unreasonable care conditions for hogs to be sold in California. This wild attempt by animal rights activists to enact state laws in California (that have a minimal impact on their state farmers but massive impacts on farmers across the country. Click here to read more about Proposition 12.
North Carolina hog farmers needed a champion in the Attorney General’s office – to stand up to them and stand up for North Carolina values instead of out-of-state activists. Where was Josh Stein? He was missing in action.
Animal rights activists will not relent in their quest to shut down meat production nationwide in the coming years. North Carolina farmers need someone they can count on in the Attorney General’s office. Rep. Dan Bishop committed to serving the Office of Attorney General, not trampolining around like his opponent (who will not commit to do the same). Rep. Bishop has consistently been a farmer’s champion in the state legislature and Congress, and is expected to continue this as Attorney General. 

Mark your calendars for the Institute Of Political Leadership’s (IOPL) NC Commissioner of Labor debate on October 1, 2024, at Johnston County Community College, featuring Braxton Winston (D) and Luke Farley (R). They will discuss worker safety, wage laws, and labor rights, presenting differing visions for NC’s workforce policies.

Spectrum News 1 Political Reporter and Anchor Loretta Boniti will serve as moderator.It is free to attend and will be aired on Spectrum News on October 6th.
Get your tickets here.