From the Campaign Trail

As you probably know, poultry is the largest agriculture sector in North Carolina. According to the NC Poultry Federation, our poultry farmers contribute nearly $40 billion to North Carolina’s economy and employ almost 150,000 people. Some of the most hardworking and honest folks in our state. 

That’s why we all should be very concerned about the twisted beliefs coming from one candidate seeking a powerful position in NC Agriculture. The democratic Candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture, Sarah Taber, believes that poultry farmers are sexist, and that the whole poultry industry is corrupted. Taber went on a now deleted Twitter rampage about the state of poultry. Unfortunately for her, the internet is forever. 

Here are a few troubling snippets, and this just scratches the surface: 

…poultry was women’s work, thus nobody was investing in growing poultry. That’s why poultry stayed a niche meat for so long. Because of sexism…” – Sarah Taber

Farm men REFUSED to invest in poultry when it was their wives doing it. Then they put their whole families in the hock to do it badly themselves.” – Sarah Taber

The shitty “agribusiness” practices we’re all decrying in poultry now -” … “all come straight out of farm men buying businesses they didn’t know how to run” – Sarah Taber

Folks, we are no longer dealing with the Jim Hunt democrats of yore. These views and policies will put farms out of business AND cause food prices to skyrocket, period. 

Last year, The NC Ag Partnership produced the Farmer Under Fire series to provide facts about the narrative the Charlotte Observer pushed through their well funded Big Poultry series. The Partnership remains dedicated to supporting North Carolina’s farmers and protecting them from those who wish to harm them. The threat during this election is more clear than ever.