Critical Legislative Update Farmers Need to Know

Last week, the North Carolina House Committee on the Environment gave a favorable report to House Bill 864, PFAS Pollution and Polluter Liability. This bill creates sweeping uncertainties for family farms and agribusinesses.

As a reminder, HB 864 grants the DEQ Secretary unprecedented enforcement authority and the ability to impose financial liabilities, a power that even the EPA does not possess. If this bill passes, it puts farmers at risk, period. It sets a dangerous precedent for strangling regulatory measures to be applied to agricultural practices, such as fertilizer use and pesticide application.

We can’t risk the devastating impacts that may come should this bill pass. The state’s business community is speaking out against this environmentalist led power grab, and the NC Chamber is helping lead the way with facts, figures and information to equip and educate leaders and elected officials who are willing to listen. 

Voters and legislators should know the impact of this bill on North Carolina’s farmers. We are monitoring this legislation in real time, and will send updates and alerts should it progress any further.